Sunday, February 23, 2014

Whatever You Say, Boss!

The ladies at The Monthly Stitch have a great challenge for March.  Miss Bossy Patterns is a stashbusting, control-freak-slamming extravaganza!  Have a pattern stash as tall as a sequoia?  Well, you're asked to grab three of them. . .three you'd like to sew up.  No problem, right?  But here's the kicker:  Other members will tell you which pattern you're to sew up in March.  That's right.  Once they vote, you'll have to do what they say.  They're the boss of you.  Totally.

Now, you look at your patterns a little differently, yes?  What if they vote for this one?  Then, I'll HAVE to make it.

I went back and forth many times, repeating those exact words in my mind, and I've finally settled on the three I'm eager - and willing - to tackle.  Here they are:

First, paired with a paisley print light knit fabric (that will probably have to be lined), I have chosen Simplicity 3775, which I think would make a nice spring/summer dress.  I would probably make View C.

Simplicity 3775
Next, I've chosen a jacket (which will be totally out-of-season by the time it's completed at the end of March and will probably remain unworn until next fall).  The pattern is 108 from Burda World of Fashion 10/2008.  I've paired it with a black and white woven fabric.

Burda 108 - 10/2008

Finally, I have an old, old, old Vogue pattern, V9945,  paired with a lovely woven print.  I've always loved this pattern, but never really felt svelte enough to sew it up.  Well, the heck with that.  If you vote for it, I'll sew it!

Vogue 9945

Looking over my fabric choices, I'm struck by how dark it all looks, especially when I remember that it'll be spring when I'm done.  Oh, well.  These are my choices.

Please vote at the poll on the sidebar.

Thanks, in advance, for visiting and voting!



  1. I voted for Simplicity since it is the springiest of the patterns and the fabric is also lovely! (Although when I voted, it still says 0 votes and 0 percent....not sure why).

    1. Thanks so much! I appreciate your taking the time to vote! My screen is showing the votes, so maybe it's just a blogger bug! :)

  2. I voted for the Simplicity, because I like the idea of a fun springtime dress. But it was a close run thing for me with the Vogue. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make :)

    1. Thanks very much for voting. It looks like the Simplicity is going to be the winner.

  3. I am voting for Burda 108 - 10/2008 because I think it will look fabulous in that fabric! :)

    1. Thanks for voting. I think I'll probably go ahead and make that one at some point. I really like the fabric for a coat or jacket! Thanks, again, for being part of the poll!

  4. Simplicity 3775 - instant gratification!

  5. I voted for the Simplicity. I like the fabric and think a knit dress is perfect for spring/summer.

    1. Thank you so much, Shawnta! I can't wait to see what you make, too!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I had to vote for the Vogue since you've admired it so long Sometimes we have to take a chance and make something we love, even if it scares of us. (My motto lately since I do the exact same thing.)

    I really wanted to vote for the Jacket. I love that fabric!
    Have fun,

    1. Thanks, Ramona! I still remember buying that pattern and imagining the finished garment!

  8. +1 vote for Simplicity - it looks very nice spring dress :)

  9. Love that Burda jacket - but would never make you make something that you would have to wait 1/2 a year to wear! :-)

    1. Yes, that would be a little silly. But, I love the jacket, too. No worries, though. So far, it's not even close to being the choice ;-)

  10. The Simplicity is fabulous and looks like your winner... But that jacket is also amazing!! You will have to plan that one for next fall. :)

  11. Thanks so much! Yes, I'll definitely sew up the jacket. . .probably closer to fall :)
